Day 100 Consent, Negotiation, The Pandemic; and, Building Bridges to A New World

One of the results of hook-up culture, which, as I understand it, is best described as sex without commitment, is that a whole generation of people have had to learn to be good at negotiation. When you say ‘consent’ to a millennial or a Gen Zer, it doesn’t need to be explained. But what about the rest of us? Even if we’re not conflict-avoidant. Even if we’re conflict-bring-it-on. Even if ... we’re in the middle of a pandemic. The rules, such as they are, in the middle of a pandemic are unlike any other consent scenario I have ever encountered. When I was growing up, consent, most of the time, was implicit not explicit. Now we live in a world wherein consent must be explicit. A lot of us are failing at it. Some, spectacularly. The International Thespian Society sponsors the International Thespian Festival every year. This is the first year it’s virtual—because of the coronavirus. Never let it be said that theatre people are not flexible.

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Day 99 Systems By Any Other Name; and, Lady Justice, meet Lady Liberty

I wanted to chant “Chapin, and Brearley, and Spence, Oh My!” this morning as I read of the endless pages of social media created by the elite black alumnae of these long-standing educational institutions. One student said, “‘The school likes to make them seem that they are once in a blue moon or isolated incidents, which they aren’t,’ she said. ‘This points to a culture.’” There is no surprise here. This is what systemic racism means—permeating the system. The OED tells me that the roots of the word system mean, believe it or not, the universe. So, are we clear? Have we left anything out? When systemic is the adjective for anything, it means that whatever is permeating the system touches everything.

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Day 98 The Supremes Have Spoken; and, A Coronation of Drag Queens

You wouldn’t think that hair color had any real play in identity politics, but, in my case it does. I’m a redhead, born and raised. A real redhead. We had an extremely rude retreat guest one weekend at Cupcake Manor, and I said something about being a redhead. She responded instantly, “You’re not a redhead!” It ticks me off to this day. So you can imagine, I’m sure, how I felt about this little goodie in yesterday’s Times. “One of the country’s leading conservative legal organizations, the Alliance Defending Freedom, warned in a blog post to its supporters on Tuesday that a major piece of the decision—the recognition of gender identity as legally protected—‘creates chaos’ and could compel people ‘to refer to colleagues with pronouns and other sex-specific terms according to gender identity rather than biology.’” I honestly don’t think using someone’s preferred pronouns has ever killed anybody. Correct me if I’m wrong. And, alright, the pronoun thing, especially for we elders, among whom I count the over-50 crowd, can be treacherous, especially if those to whom they apply are impatient with our learning curve about it. But, honestly, no one ever died from having to stretch their use of pronouns, and, on the other side, plenty of people have died of being mis-pronouned.

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Day 97 You Can Lead A Horse to Water; and, Learning to Think

Usually, illogic presented as logic makes me laugh. Like this from one of my Mex Mysteries. Gareth, Mex’s assistant, is speaking, “We’re not going to decide this today, Miss Mex.” High femme, intuitive investigator Mex says, “Why not?” His solemn answer: “It’s matinee day.” They laugh. I smile as I type. However, Mike Pence has just added insult to injury on a call to state governors. “We wouldn’t have these ‘intermittent’ spikes if we weren’t testing so much.” What?! The deep-thinking Philosopher-in-Chief added, “If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.” My response to that was a playground couplet: Liars, liars everywhere, When will we learn to think?

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