Posts tagged imagination
Day 92 The Oversight of Imagination; and, The Next Willy Wonka

Senator Grassley is holding the Flaunter-in-Chief hostage over several departmental appointments until he coughs up some damn good reasons for firing Inspectors General willy-nilly as regularly as he lies. There was an op-ed piece about that very bad habit today called “Why Does Trump Lie?” by Michael Tomasky. “On the morning of June 4, he tweeted: “[Robert] Mueller should have never been appointed, although he did prove that I must be the most honest man in America!” I’m stammering. That’s hard to do that to me. “As of May 29, the most honest man in America had uttered 19,127 false or misleading claims in his 1,226 days in office, according to Glenn Kessler of The Post, who has been tracking them since Day 1. That’s 15.6 falsehoods a day, or roughly one per waking hour, every hour, every day. That puts him on track to hit 20,000 lies by Wednesday, July 29; by Nov. 3, at this pace, he’ll be north of 22,000—but of course that period will constitute the heat of the campaign, when the frequency seems likely to increase.”

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