Susan Corso

Susan Corso is an author and spiritual teacher. She is an omnifaith minister and the author of God's Dictionary (Tarcher/Putnam 2002) and DNP Press 2022. She has had a spiritual counseling practice for 40 years.

A sketchquote by peace activist and artist Brad Heckman. Find him on Twitter & Instagram

A #sketchquote by peace activist and artist Brad Heckman. Find him on Twitter & Instagram @hecksign

Susan is the founder of iAmpersand, a spiritual community dedicated to creating a world that works for everyone—no exceptions; 25-year-and-counting author and publisher of a weekly e-newsletter, Seeds. Her websites are and

She is the ongoing, enthralled author of The Mex Mysteries, romantic mysteries with a supernatural twist. She also authors, under the pseudonym Vivienne Hartt Quinn, The Boots & Boas Romances, butch-femme romances based in Boston about The Butch Brigade, queer buddies seriously committed to their chosen family. Her latest fiction is Jezebel Rising, the first of a speculative historical fiction tetralogy, The Subversive Lovelies, about four sisters who have a hard time following the very strict social rules of Gilded Age New York City.

Her spiritual nonfiction includes Tao for Now, Circles of Peace, Each Day A New Day for #Innerpeace, as well as the eight Energy Integrity Workbooks for learning the chakra system. She writes a bi-weekly metaphysical take on the news, The Ampersand Gazette. Her theatre piece, PeaceWomen, about the women who have won the Nobel Peace Prize, premiered at Tufts University.

She lives in the Hudson River Valley in Cupcake Manor with her beloved husband, Tony Amato, and her familiar, spectacular tuxedo cat, chief mischief-maker, and five-pound panther apex predator, Smooch.