Susan CorsoDr. Susan Corso, Ampersand Gazette,,, Tony Amato,, MYOB, Accountability, Alex Sheen, because I said I would, Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe, Phil Ochs, Beauty, helped, heard, hugged, Change me or change this, DNP Press, The Subversive Lovelies, Jezebel Rising, Jasmine Increscent, Gemma Eclipsing, Jacqueline Retrograde & Jaq Direct, Chakras, Chakra Playlist, Pachelbel Canon in D, Seeds, Mary Engelbreit, Engeldark, Happy new year
I have asserted before, and no doubt, will again that Mary Engelbreit never lets me down. Today’s page-a-day adage is from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; / What is essential is invisible to the eye./ Now, contrast that with these scenarios please. A woman, living in Staten Island, knows that her father in Virginia has life-threatening cancer. Her heart is calling her to Virginia. Two friends call her and read her the riot act about leaving her home and putting others at risk.
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