Posts tagged Samantha Power
Day 29 Private is as Private Does; or, MYOB

I have asserted before, and no doubt, will again that Mary Engelbreit never lets me down. Today’s page-a-day adage is from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; / What is essential is invisible to the eye./ Now, contrast that with these scenarios please. A woman, living in Staten Island, knows that her father in Virginia has life-threatening cancer. Her heart is calling her to Virginia. Two friends call her and read her the riot act about leaving her home and putting others at risk.

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Day 28 Wellness isn’t Health; or, Unlearning Helplessness in Exchange for Joy

You might know this, or you might not, but every day I post a spiritual haiku to Instagram. Here is yesterday’s: The health of the world/depends upon the health of each/one. How could it not?/ Today is United Nations World Health Day—say a prayer for the health of everyone in the world—no exceptions! Uncanny. I wrote it weeks ago. That’s how it goes for intuitives sometimes. All the more reason, then, when I read Amanda Hess’ “Health Is in Danger. Wellness Wants to Fill the Void” in The New York Times, I thought it was, quite frankly, grotesque.

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