An Or World. An And World. You Get to Choose.

“The most important word in every language is And..” Dr. Susan Corso

“The most important word in every language is And..” Dr. Susan Corso

Those of you who get my weekly Seeds newsletter (subscribe here) know that I am a great fan of the artwork of artist Brad Heckman. (follow him on Instagram) His images are called #sketchquotes. I’d wanted one for a saying of mine for many years when the fallout of Covid found me with the funds to make it happen. The image appears above. 

In this morning’s New York Times, David Brooks writes, “Biden has avoided the stupid binaries about race. Donald Trump went to Mount Rushmore and made a speech essentially saying you can either believe in systemic racism or you can love America. Biden went to Gettysburg and argued that you can “honestly face systemic racism” and love America. He argued that you can believe in fighting racism and believe in law and order. His worldview is based on universal categories—the things we share—not identitarian ones—the ways we supposedly can’t understand each other across difference.” 

These words touched something near and dear to my heart, something I’ve been dancing around in my own peace work for decades. It comes down to this: 

Do you want to keep living in an Or World? 

Would you rather live in an And World? 

Little-known fact #1: You get to answer these questions.  

Little-known fact #2: You get to live according to your own answers. 

Clearly, “Orangina 45,” to borrow from the always-magical Billy Porter, has answered these questions and made his choice. His world is an Or World. 

Equally clearly, Joe Biden, he of the no-nickname, has answered these questions and made his choice as well. His world is an And World. 

Where do you want to live, Beloved? 

So, what’ll it be, dear one? What world are you choosing? An Or World? An And World?  

Your choice makes a difference not only for your own life but for every life you touch.

This is how change happens, Beloved. One choice at a time. 

Please, make yours today, and live accordingly.

Dr. Susan Corso is a spiritual teacher, the founder of iAmpersand, and the author of The Mex Mysteries, the Boots & Boas Books, and spiritual nonfiction. Her website is