Posts tagged Risk
Day 97 You Can Lead A Horse to Water; and, Learning to Think

Usually, illogic presented as logic makes me laugh. Like this from one of my Mex Mysteries. Gareth, Mex’s assistant, is speaking, “We’re not going to decide this today, Miss Mex.” High femme, intuitive investigator Mex says, “Why not?” His solemn answer: “It’s matinee day.” They laugh. I smile as I type. However, Mike Pence has just added insult to injury on a call to state governors. “We wouldn’t have these ‘intermittent’ spikes if we weren’t testing so much.” What?! The deep-thinking Philosopher-in-Chief added, “If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.” My response to that was a playground couplet: Liars, liars everywhere, When will we learn to think?

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