Posts tagged Black Theater United
Day 100 Consent, Negotiation, The Pandemic; and, Building Bridges to A New World

One of the results of hook-up culture, which, as I understand it, is best described as sex without commitment, is that a whole generation of people have had to learn to be good at negotiation. When you say ‘consent’ to a millennial or a Gen Zer, it doesn’t need to be explained. But what about the rest of us? Even if we’re not conflict-avoidant. Even if we’re conflict-bring-it-on. Even if ... we’re in the middle of a pandemic. The rules, such as they are, in the middle of a pandemic are unlike any other consent scenario I have ever encountered. When I was growing up, consent, most of the time, was implicit not explicit. Now we live in a world wherein consent must be explicit. A lot of us are failing at it. Some, spectacularly. The International Thespian Society sponsors the International Thespian Festival every year. This is the first year it’s virtual—because of the coronavirus. Never let it be said that theatre people are not flexible.

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