Posts tagged hypocrite
Day 77 Hidden in Plain Sight; and, The Revelation of Healing

George Orwell wrote, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” Perhaps. The long-standing and almost sea-to-shining-sea illusions have been ripped away. There is no longer a curtain in front of the Wizard. We have met the Wizard and it are us. Consider these off-the-top-of-my-head examples: Face masks are revealed to be a political sticking point rather than an assumed, civic necessity. Climate change is revealed to be the actual reality it is, and it isn’t going anywhere unless humans behave differently.

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Day 22 Hidden, Revealed, Hidden, Revealed; or, Peeling the Hype to its Essence

Of stockpiled ventilators a New York Times headline this morning screeched, “Thousands Do Not Work.” Of Senator Kelly Loeffler’s possible insider stock trading, an article said, “Can a person who is this wealthy represent your concerns, as, say, a family that has lost its job because of this pandemic?” Of health care professionals attempting to protect themselves, another headline said, “‘I Do Fear for My Staff,’ a Doctor Said. He Lost His Job.” We are in the midst of a pandemic, but what’s going on here really?

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