Day 77 Hidden in Plain Sight; and, The Revelation of Healing

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George Orwell wrote, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” Perhaps.           

The long-standing and almost sea-to-shining-sea illusions have been ripped away. There is no longer a curtain in front of the Wizard. We have met the Wizard and it are us. Consider these off-the-top-of-my-head examples:

Face masks are revealed to be a political sticking point rather than an assumed, civic necessity.

Climate change is revealed to be the actual reality it is, and it isn’t going anywhere unless humans behave differently.

Big chain pharmacies are revealed to be in as much complicity as Big Pharma in terms of causing the opioid crisis. “Through years of lawsuits and rising public anger over the opioid epidemic, the big American pharmacy retailers have largely eluded scrutiny. But a new court filing Wednesday morning asserts that pharmacies including CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Giant Eagle as well as those operated by Walmart were as complicit in perpetuating the crisis as the manufacturers and distributors of the addictive drugs.”

Healthcare workers and Emergency Medical Technicians are revealed to be burnt out, afraid to ask for what they need to be safe, and exhausted with their frontline service to the rest of us.

Wealthy hospital systems with incredulously large endowments are revealed to be receiving bail-out funds meant for small, public hospitals which are struggling daily with the disproportionately high influx of Covid cases in regions suffering crowded housing and rampant poverty.

The President of the United States is revealed to be leading the opposition to his own dicta—flagrantly wearing no face mask, inciting gun-toting rioters to disregard state governments, and insisting on tweeting false conspiracy theories on social media.

White citizens are revealed to be calling the police on innocent citizens who are persons of color for no reason other than their own racism, some of which is disavowed with the right language but the wrong thoughts.

Law enforcement is revealed to be literally murderous in their treatment of innocent persons of color resulting in citizens policing the police, and hindering them in their often vital work.

Scientists are revealed to be so silenced and disregarded by the Medical-Expert-in-Chief that crucial information is withheld from the citizenry, or revealed, but so watered down and vague as to be useless.

Children are revealed to be starving as the program designed to help them stalls due to bureaucratic red tape; families are idling in lines blocks-long to get sometimes woefully under supplied food from food banks while farmers are destroying fresh fruits and vegetables.

Immigrants are revealed to be kept in cages, unwashed, unfed, uninformed by an increasingly corrupt border patrol and children alone are being turned away and deported by the hundreds.

People, claiming those who wear masks are sheep, are deliberately coughing on others they meet in the public squares.

International and national computer hackers are revealed to steal millions of dollars from state unemployment programs.

Much larger businesses are revealed to have gobbled up the small business shoring-up funds provided by the federal government. Only when small business owners called them out publically in the press did they return them.

The sovereign nations of the First Peoples of the Americas are revealed to be woefully under prepared to address the needs of their tribal constituencies, and the Bigot-in-Chief is sending desperately needed ventilators to Indonesia, and cheap body bags to reservations.

Prisons and jails are revealed to be hotbeds of gross neglect and intentional malevolence, and the wildfire spread of Covid-19.

Tenements and inner city housing projects are revealed to be the bastions of institutional racism and classicism they have always been. From the New York Outbreak news: “The virus has spread building by building in neighborhoods that have been unable to fight back, reflecting a legacy of institutionalized racism, poverty, cramped housing and chronic health problems that have put their residents at higher risk of getting sick and dying.”

Partisan politics are revealed to be the manipulations and power grabs they are meant to be as Senators race to protect businesses from imaginary lawsuits by employees and customers.

Tech giants are revealed to be refusing to apply their own published policies about truth in tweeting to persons in positions of power supporting conspiracy theories and damaging jabs at grieving loved ones..

You see what’s happening here, Beloved, I’m sure. The best description of it I’ve found is in the Christian Scripture. Matthew 7:3-5 reads:

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

There is, in the world of metaphysics, a Law of Reflection. Principally, it maintains that we are all holograms, that everything is a reflection of everything else, and that we would not be able to see, essentially, the ‘mote’ in the eyes of our planetary co-inhabitants if we didn’t have a ‘beam’ in our own. We wouldn’t have the half of the Velcro needed to stick to the perception.

Ergo. We are all hypocrites. To one degree or another. Q.E.D.

The always-illuminating OED tells us that hypocrite sources in Greek roots at its earliest, Greek roots meaning an actor on the stage, pretender, dissembler. Definition number one is “1.1 One who falsely professes to be virtuously or religiously inclined; one who pretends to have feelings or beliefs of a higher order than his real ones; hence generally, a dissembler, pretender.”

Honestly, it is always a little ouchy to realize that we see it [whatever it is] because we are it [whatever it is]. N.B., Beloved, it works for the good and the bad.

Consider these stunning words of Sister Macrina Wiederkehr.  “O God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is.”

If you see someone or something that you consider beautiful, Beloved, you are also that.
If you see someone or something that you consider ugly, Beloved, you are also that.

Luke Winkie writing in “The Coronavirus Has Killed Small Talk,” says, “The provocative texture of coronavirus-era small talk propels us into the thick of our feelings—we can panic more openly and freely. There isn’t any room for artifice anymore.”

Artifice might be considered another word for hypocrisy.

Our collective hypocrisy has been exposed for all of us to see.

We are the Wizards behind the curtain.

This is a very good thing. It is a very good thing because only when you truly know where you are starting can you begin to chart a true course for healing.

Unless we know that we each have a share in the hypocrisy, unless we know that we each use our ability to focus to screen out things we do not wish to own, unless we know there was a curtain, and that we are the beings who are behind it, we will not heal ourselves or our planet. There is no Planet B, Beloved. You know that, right?

Coronavirus has been an unwelcome, and yet blessed, accelerant.

The Nazarene Rabbi speaks in The Gospel of Luke 12: 2-3.

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

You will note that the Christed One in this passage does not qualify the statements.

Nothing covered that shall not be revealed.
Nothing hidden that shall not be known.

Nothing. No thing. Nada.
Remember how a double negative turns things into a positive?

This means Everything that has been covered will be revealed, and that everything that has been hidden shall be known. Ohhhh.

Whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light.
That which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Light is, of course, the great revealer of darkness, and secrets, as in the AA wisdom ‘You’re only as sick as your secrets,’ will be shouted so all may hear them.

When I was in Seminary a whole lot of years ago, a professor of mine one day shared with us one of what she called her “bottom-line, desperate prayers.” She said,

“Heal what needs to be healed, and reveal what needs to be revealed.”

I was ordained almost 30 years ago, and I remember that prayer like I heard it yesterday. Maybe it’s because it has lovely interior rhymes like a Sondheim lyric, but I don’t think so. I suggested this prayer to a client just last week. Why? Why is this prayer so powerful?

Because it invokes another law of consciousness, Beloved. It might be called the Law of Information. What these words imply is that we don’t always need to know what needs to be healed for it to be healed.

This flies in the face of much New Age clap-trap and the pop psychology of self-help. A lot of us seem to feel that we must know what needs healing, we must revisit the pain, we must feel the feels. THIS IS NOT TRUE NOW and it never has been. Healing is possible without revelation of  the details of the trauma. It doesn’t always happen this way, but it can.

And hear me, I have been helping people to deal with their traumas for more than 35 years, so I’ve been on the frontlines enough to know this to be fact even if I can’t share how I know it to protect the privacy of those who have entrusted me to help them.

Professors at the University of Pennsylvania Angela Duckworth, Lyle Ungar, and Ezekiel J. Emanual wrote an article this morning called “Mask-Wearing Needs to Be Easy, Understood and Expected.” In it, they write about how to change the culture around mask-wearing. Consider these words:

“Unfortunately, it is often easier to dig our heels in than to change our minds, defending our original position and discounting new information to justify our behavior. Therefore, it can be helpful to supply people with a rationale to change their behavior without looking like a hypocrite.”

Here is that rationale. We can no longer avoid what we know to be true because it’s glaringly obvious that the world is in dire need of an overhaul and an upgrade. It is time to seek out, act upon, and welcome some new ideas about how to make a world that works for everyone. No exceptions. None.

Let us pray. Heal what needs to be healed, and reveal what needs to be revealed, and if I may be useful in just such a revelation, use me, O God, please use me.

Dr. Susan Corso is a metaphysician and medical intuitive with a private counseling practice for more than 35 years. She has written too many books to list here. Her website is  

© Dr. Susan Corso 2020 All rights reserved

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