What Comes After Nude Descending the Staircase?
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, Imagination, Metaphysics, Story, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoPay attention, Marcel Duchamp, Art Deco, Cubism, Nude Descending A Staircase, Metaphysics
Rising from the Depths of Disappointment
A New World, Accountability, Arts, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, iAmpersand, Imagination, Metaphysics, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoAmanda Gorman, Laurence Sketch Cheatham, Disappointment, Convenience, Chuck Shumer, Liz Cheney
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth, So Help Us God
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, Metaphysics, Pandemic, World.works.everyone, Inner peaceSusan Corsoinner peace, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, domestic terrorism task force, truth, Billy Porter, Maya Angelou
The Road Forward Mandates Mutuality, Reciprocity, and Listening
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, iAmpersand, World.works.everyone, MetaphysicsSusan CorsoRosa Parks, Adam Grant, reconciliation, reciprocity, mutuality, listening
Two Kinds of People—Which One Are You?
A New World, Accountability, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, ImaginationSusan CorsoAbby Lee Hood, impunity, reahabilitation, divide-and-conquer, remake-and-reconstruct
It's Time for Some Common Common Sense
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, Imagination, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoDr. Shoshona Zuboff, laissez-faire, common sense, Mara Gay, sovereignty
Heeding the Wisdom of a Cautionary Tale
Accountability, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoJohann Hari, addiction, QAnon, Accountability, consequences, filibuster, Waiting for Godot
Taking Apart What’s Been Put Together That Doesn’t Belong Together
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, iAmpersand, Pandemic, Tony Amato, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoThomas Edsall, positive thinking, Norman Vincent Peale, Guideposts, new normal, new world, BARDA, Dr. Rick Bright
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! Time to Do Our Part
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoMaurice the Rooster, reconciliation, listening, Robert Grenier, healing
Crossing the Great Political Divide into A World That Works for Everyone
A New World, Arts, Change, Dr. Susan Corso, iAmpersand, World.works.everyoneSusan Corsoimpasse, QAnon, listening, open heart, Jennifer Senior
What Comes After is Based on What We Choose
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, iAmpersand, World.works.everyoneSusan Corsonew normal, after covid, after Donald Trump, climate change, Dr. Anthony Fauci, choices
Past Apology to the Divine Summons of Pure Desire
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, World.works.everyoneSusan Corsoapology, Apostola Apostolorum, Jesus of Nazareth, Divine Summons, Pure desire
Truth and Accountability Out in the Open and Free
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoAmy Davidson Sorkin, Samantha Hunt, Truth, Accountability, white supremacy
The Wounding & The Healing of America
A New World, Accountability, Arts, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, Pandemic, Story, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoACT UP, Silence = Death, Action = Life, Trauma, Narrative, Wounding, Healing
How To Make a Vision of a Country that Works For All of Us
A New World, Accountability, Change, Consequences, Dr. Susan Corso, iAmpersand, World.works.everyone, VisionSusan CorsoAmanda Gorman, purple, inauguration, vision, division, suffragists
Ring Out the Cold, Ring in the New
A New World, Arts, Change, Dr. Susan Corso, Healing, iAmpersand, Pandemic, Theatre, World.works.everyoneSusan CorsoRandy Rainbow, Cher, cold, warm, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, pearls