Posts tagged new normal
Day 85 Reactivity, Too Much, Too Little; and, The Dramatics of Scale

Nicholas Kristof’s column this morning was entitled, “Trump Uses the Military to Prove His Manhood: The president’s response to the coronavirus that killed more than 100,000 people was lethargic and ineffective. But when it came to anti-racism protesters, it was time to call in the troops.” What is it about America that consistently provokes one or the other of two entirely inappropriate responses to everything? Either we pussy-foot around, and do nothing or not-quite-enough to solve a problem. Or, we pathologize whatever the issue is and hit it hard with an over-the-top reaction. Where’s moderation? Where’s the middle ground? Where’s considered, thoughtful, logical response?

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Day 84 The Forgiveness Mistake; and, Afflicting the Comfortable

It takes some chutzpah, granted, to disagree with a sitting pope, but I disagree strongly with Pope Francis. He’s wrong. “Pope Francis said on Wednesday that he was watching the ‘disturbing social unrest’ in the United States with ‘great concern.’” Okay, it is disturbing. Not the social unrest per se, not the actions of the protesters either. What’s disturbing is what’s under those things. Brutal, discriminatory police violence. Blatant disregard for systemic racism. Bellicose government reactivity. FWIW, the protests are meant to be disturbing because unless the complacent are ‘disturbed,’ it’s patently clear, and has been over a long, long time, that nothing will be done to root out and dissolve the racial discrimination woven into the very fabric of our democracy. Duh. A five-year-old could tell you this.

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Day 83 Listen is An Anagram; and, A Purposeful Silence

“On #BlackoutTuesday, artists go quiet to focus attention on protesters’ message” read the headline. Millions of people worldwide are heeding a call for a day of silence on social media to amplify black people’s voices under the hashtag #BlackoutTuesday. Maybe every Tuesday should be #BlackoutTuesday for a while? Leave it to the artists to do something simple, clear, and immediate. Always. Always it’s the artists who lead us. If only we could remember that, and look to them instead of the political arena for leadership.

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Day 82 It Only Takes One; and, Could That One Be You?

“In Louisville, Ky., a confrontation on a crowded street was partly defused when a woman stepped forward and offered a police officer in riot gear a hug. They embraced for nearly a minute. There were reports of clashes later in the night, however, and a local news outlet reported that at least one person had been fatally shot.” A hug. After demonstrating peacefully for three hours in Seattle, police officers opened the downtown area to protesters. “Rashyla Levitt addressed the crowd through a megaphone, telling them the group had made history. “We marched for justice. We marched for peace,” she said. “We marched for each other. We marched for our streets.” For justice. For peace. For each other. For our streets. Also in Seattle, “Others weren’t ready to end the night. They approached a line of officers in riot gear, shouting and cursing. Some protesters—including Elijah Alter, 24—rushed to intervene, pushing them away from the line of officers. ‘Because of our solidarity, we made them change their mind,’ he said. ‘Do not ruin it on a violent end.’” Intervention. Solidarity. Change their mind. From Atlanta, “The demonstrators stopped—hundreds of them, black and white—and sat. A self-appointed leader among them, an entrepreneur named John Wade, praised them for their nonviolence.” Sat.

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Day 33 A New Normal; or, Could Our Public Servants Grow Up Please?

At the risk of offense, I am tired of the pissing contests, boys. Actually, weary of them. Fatigued by them. Late Sunday Twitter sniping at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of only two reliable voices to date in The Trump Pandemic, bore the hashtag time to #FireFauci. Early Saturday morning, after allegedly making the decision to close New York City schools the night before, Mayor Bill de Blasio sent the Governor a text message informing him. The Times wrote, “The episode was a glaring example of the persistent dysfunction between Mr. Cuomo and Mr. de Blasio, an often small-bore turf war that has now resurfaced during an urgent crisis in which nearly 800 New Yorkers are dying daily.”

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