Day 3 The Longer Table Option

My spiritual teachers are legion, and they often arise in the oddest places. Take this morning, for example: I have been a fan of Mary Engelbreit for decades. It is my custom to have a page-a-day calendar of hers that displays her prodigious illustration artistry. Mary Engelbreit understood sound bytes even before they had a name. She’s used quotes that inspire her for decades. This morning’s read: If you are more fortunate than others, it’s better to build a longer table than a taller fence.

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Day 2 A Medical Intuitive Take on the CoronaVirus

The fear of the coronavirus notwithstanding, there is always a metaphysical—beyond the physical—cause for every illness. I’ve been a Medical Intuitive for decades. At one time, I was the Director of Spiritual & Energy Medicine at a progressive healthcare center in Boston working with the patients of twenty team physicians to help align their bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits. That said, the coronavirus has mystified me for longer than is comfortable. Fortunately, I was inspired with an interpretation that made utter sense to me.

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Susan Corso
Half-Assed Engagement--Why Bother?

Today’s issue of The On-The-Other-Hand News comes to you via C. Thi Nguyen and Bekka Williams’ article in The New York Times from Sunday, July 28, 2019. Its title is: “Why We Call Things ‘Porn’.”

I will cop to it upfront. I am not a Facebook person. There are several reasons for it, but the main one is: I don’t get it. It has been TMI from day one as far as I’m concerned.

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Self-Help is Not Self-Care—The Two Can Be Cousins, But Not Always

Self-help is not self-care, but self-care can be self-help. Kate Carraway’s Analysis piece in The New York Times made me sad. Is there anything we fail to turn into commerce? Anything? At all? Lately, the answer seems to be no. There’s even a relatively new word for this: monetizing [first usage unrelated to the silver or gold standard, 1997, OED].

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A Forced Fit

Jigsaw puzzles sustain my prayer life. Needing stillness and silence to hear the still, small voice of my inner knowing, the visual distraction of searching out and placing puzzle pieces quiets my endlessly chattering mind. Yesterday, I forced a piece to fit where it didn’t belong.

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