Posts tagged theatre
Day 93 Listening to Endemic Racism, Bearing Witness; and, How Civilizations Heal

The theatre is my home. I’ve worked in community theatres, nonprofit theatres, summer stock theatres, repertory theatres, touring theatres, Off-Broadway theatres, Broadway theatres, West End Theatres. My theatre work has taken my attention from Rio to Toronto to Sydney to London to New York to Los Angeles to Phoenix to Ohio and back again. I write a series of mystery novels, The Mex Mysteries, all of which take place around a musical. When there is writing in the press by or about the theatre, I read it. I never know when I’m going to find a little theatre tidbit that will be useful in a mystery plot. The solve to each of the mysteries is found in the lyrics of the musical. Theatre and its messages have held a lifelong fascination for me. I know the theatre world—from amateur to professional—has a case of endemic racism. Without question, I have experienced rampant sexism in the industry. I am far from the only one. It should not surprise me that institutional racism plagues the business, and it doesn’t, but it does disappoint me.

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