Posts tagged religion
Day 71 The Religious Exception; and, In God We Trust, Of Course

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced yesterday that religious ceremonies of no more than ten people would now be permitted in New York State as long as those who gather wear masks and practice strict social-distancing. In his daily news conference, he said, “I get it. Former altar boy.” Mr. Cuomo said of faith leaders, “‘I understand their desire to get back to religious ceremonies as soon as possible. I think that even at this time of stress and when people are so anxious and so confused, I think those religious ceremonies can be very comforting. But we need to find out how to do it, and do it safely and do it smartly.” He’s working with his Interfaith Advisory Council to get it done. The roots of these United States are deeply bound into the concept of religious freedom. It’s a fact that most Americans—persons of faith or not—are taught to be proud of when we learn American history. The founding of this country could, arguably, be said to rest on the freedom to worship as one is guided. Remember those words, freedom to worship.

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