Posts tagged distraction
Day 95 Distractions Notwithstanding; and, Committing to What Matters

I’ve read fairy tales with more facts in them than were to be found in the Pretender-in-Chief’s commencement speech at West Point yesterday. It’s a wonder the man doesn’t die of embarrassment. As reported, “[I]t was a visual that a president campaigning for re-election would surely cherish.” “Mr. Trump’s suggestion that the military was ‘depleted’ when he entered office and had seldom received such a large amount of money is wrong.” “While the Islamic State has been pushed out of its so-called caliphate, the extremist group continues to carry out attacks. And some of the territorial gains made by American troops and their allies predate the Trump administration.” “Mr. Trump campaigned on a promise to end wars in the Middle East but has yet to fulfill this promise.” West Point was a distraction.

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