Posts tagged cooperation
Day 46 Priorities; or, Profits and Prophets

What is a true priority in this dystopian dream we’re living? In today’s Coronavirus Outbreak news aggregator, I read this: “Early in 2018, 30 microbiologists, zoologists and public health experts from around the world gathered at the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva to draw up a priority list of dangerous viruses—specifically, those for which no vaccines or drugs were in development. It included “Disease X”: a stand-in for all of the unknown pathogens, or devastating variations on existing pathogens, that had yet to emerge. The coronavirus now sweeping the world, officially SARS-CoV-2, is a prime example.” Once again, I’m relegated to basic math. 2018? It’s 2020. What did we do, or what did the 30 worldwide wizards do with those two years? It wasn’t because they didn’t want to do something. They did.

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