Posts tagged bubble
Day 90 The Bubbles of Our Oblivion; and, From Surviving to Spiritual Thriving

I cannot be the only person who squirms uncomfortably that Liberty University, a bastion of social conservatism that allegedly educates “Champions of Christ” by their own report is headquartered in Lynchburg, Virginia. “Blackface and Ku Klux Klan imagery tweeted by [Jerry] Falwell, [Jr], who tolerates little dissent at the evangelical university he leads, has spurred staff resignations, demands for his firing by influential alumni, an incipient boycott and a raucous protest.” This is a champion of Christ? It cannot be. “‘Your actions have shown you really don’t care about the black community, and that’s sad,’ Keyvon Scott, an online admissions counselor who had resigned in protest, said upon learning of Mr. Falwell’s apology. ‘You can’t say this is a Christian university, but then everything that comes out your mouth is about Trump.’” It was a sorry-not in the least sorry, vain repetitions apology. Form without substance of any kind.

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