Posts tagged belief systems
Day 89 The Belief Borrowers; and, How You Came to Believe What You Believe

The New York Times has seen days of considerable turmoil since they published Senator Tim Cotton’s incendiary Op-Ed on Tuesday. Over one thousand staffers and reporters of The Times objected to the piece. The Opinion page editor has resigned. In an article detailing the story, the author wrote, “‘American view-from-nowhere, “objectivity”-obsessed, both-sides journalism is a failed experiment,’ Wesley Lowery tweeted of the Times debacle. ‘We need to rebuild our industry as one that operates from a place of moral clarity.’” Wesley Lowery is the white, male reporter who began the cascade of truth after the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Attorney General William Barr “said he did not think racism was a systemic problem in policing, though he acknowledged general racism in the United States. ‘I don’t think that the law enforcement system is systemically racist,’ he said on the CBS program “Face the Nation.” ‘I think we have to recognize that for most of our history, our institutions were explicitly racist.’” Uh, what? Could it be a little more they-went-thataway? Um. And Archie Bunker wasn’t racist, right? Puh-lease.

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