Posts tagged Yo-Yo Ma
Day 8: Social Distancing is a Cruel Misnomer

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Thank you, Charles Dickens. Could there be a better opening sentence to describe our current situation? Only this one a friend sent me from rewriting first sentences of great literature for social distancing. My favorite was, “FaceTime me, Ishmael.”

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Day 4 Is it Information or is it Knowledge?

It has been said by many more authoritative persons than I that we live in an Information Age. I cannot dispute the claim. What I can and do dispute is that it’s valuable. Information is information. Facts. Figures. Data. Zeroes and Ones. Ho-hum. There for the taking. So? So the consistent error we make, at least in the West, is to behave as though information is knowledge.

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