Posts tagged The Huffington Post
Day 19 Look, There’s Haley’s Comet; or, Don’t Let Me Down Easy

I’m a Band-Aid-Off-Fast person. How about you? I’d rather have the immediate intensity of the sting all at once rather than the slow, agonizing burn of Band-Aid-Off-Slow. A Timesarticle this morning by Thomas Fuller ran the headline, “How Much Should the Public Know?” I’ll tell you how much the public should know. Everything. Every last bloody thing.

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Day 12: Energy Management 101, or, How to Help Yourself

A frontline healthcare worker called me yesterday in high dudgeon, rip-roaring mad, ticked off, pissed, angry, mad as a wet hen. Mad mad mad mad mad. I can’t blame her. She’s a pharmacist in a major grocery store chain, and the management of the specific locale of her employment is wringing its metaphorical hands like a heroine in a melodrama about how to care for its employees. In short, they’re not. She has every right to be mad. That is, however, not why she called me.

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