Posts tagged Jubilee Year
Day 51 The Curveless Curve; or, Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda, et al

Frank Bruni said it beautifully. “Republicans are not drinking bleach, but they are drinking the Kool-Aid.” I’m worried. And because my mother was a world-class worrier, I gave it up decades ago. It made no sense to me to compete with her when I couldn’t possibly. But now, I am worried. I’m worried that we’re allowing the data spin doctors too much leeway. Not that any of us is turning into a Republican, but that the Kool-Aid fumes are affecting our reasoning. “Flattening the curve” has become newly-minted shorthand that doesn’t mean what we want it to mean, no matter how much we want it to mean it. What we’re actually looking for is not a curve in motion at all. We’re looking for NO curve, a flat curve, a curve-less curve.

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