Posts tagged Jennifer Finney Boylan
Day 50 The Cheshire Cat; or, Now You See Me, Now You Don’t

The always-brilliant Jennifer Finney Boylan noted in her opinion essay on Sunday “The Curious Incident of No Dog in the White House,” “Much has been written about what might be generously described as Donald Trump’s lack of interest in dogs, and as the election of 2020 slowly draws near, it’s a subject worth considering again.” Her brief history of dogs of The White House is well worth your reading time. “Donald Trump is, in fact, the first president since William McKinley [1897-1901] not to have a dog.” That’s 123 years. I think I’ve figured out why, and it’s not because of his stated reason when someone tried to give him a dog. “Mr. Trump told Ms. Pope he was too busy for a dog. Later, he told supporters he didn’t need one. Because ‘that’s not the relationship I have with my people.’” What? I think it’s because Donald Trump is actually a Cheshire Cat. With salaams and deep apologies to The Cheshire Cat.

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