Authors Give Back: Free Books!

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Beloved Friends,

Mary Engelbreit is always spot-on. Here's this morning's page-a-day calendar quote.

Books are a uniquely portable form of magic.                                     

Stephen King

And e-books even moreso.                                     

 Susan Corso

Um, only the Stephen King ...

So, just when we were pondering the best mechanism to make some of my books available for free during this time of fear, Smashwords came up with Authors Give Back and we jumped on it!

Here are the URLs for three of my books absolutely free for the next month!

Attending Physician

This is the first book in my series of butch-femme romances called Boots & Boas. It tells the story of ob/gyn Dr.  L. Ravenal Lange meeting the femme of her dreams, Dr. Verity Spencer. Would you believe someone "bought" it within one minute of the announcement! WOW. I'm in the middle of editing the second one even now! And the third one is already done and in the editing pipeline.

Oklahoma! Hex

This is the first book in my series of intuitive investigator novels called The Mex Mysteries. Mex Stone is definitely a spiritual being having a human experience. All her cases happen around musicals, and the solve of each one is in the lyrics. There are six more for the binging!

Circles of Peace: Using Peace to Transform Fear

This is a book of spiritual practice on how to use peace in all sorts of crisis situations to face and transform fear. If you wonder about applying some of the spiritual truths you know, this will help.

Please enjoy them all knowing they come with love, prayer, and a wish for the safety of you and yours--really, for all of us and the planet.
