TaDa! The First Five Mex Mysteries!!!


The first five Mex Mysteries are up here: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/PeaceCorso where you’ll find a paragraph of description about each book. Or you can find the same paragraph with the first chapter of each book at https://www.susancorso.com/the-mex-mysteries.

The release date for all five books is my 60th Birthday, October 12th, and in the meantime, I’ve decided to offer 60 free books to the first 60 people who email me susan@susancorso.com to ask for one before then. Please tell me which book you want, and whether you want a mobi file, an epub file, or a pdf, and where to send it via email.

Now, of course I have a request which is that you read the book and post a review with your favorite ebook retailer. And if you are a recommender, would you recommend the series to two friends who might enjoy it?

The goal was to have the first five Mex Mysteries published by the end of September, and if you’ve been reading my posts, you know I did it. No longer a cyberhostage to technology I don’t understand! [With a major shout-out to Mark Coker, the founder of Smashwords and the author of The Smashwords Style Guide, and to Jesse Gordon www.adarnedgoodbook.com –a real ebook formatting wizard who helped me out of the goodness of his heart with what I didn’t understand.]